Glyn Hughes for
Christos Christou. November 2000
This is his fourth solo exhibition and he has participated in many group exhibitions.
” A born colourist who has absorbed the effect which the Cyprus light has on forms and then having the talent to transfer this into genuine abstract work whose colour radiates from the canvas.
He understands space, often leaving areas seemingly untouched by pigment, or in the palest of hues, holding or suspending a felt experience which has been changed into a selected image. These blocks, forms, marks of colour appear as if the air is all around. The canvas and paint extends into the surroundings. The lightness becomes buoyant. The buoyancy may be anchored by a strong colour sometimes but always these paintings are about to sing through the air, caught by their own aesthetics into works of art. In the series painted from a journey to Crete the light changes ever so subtly, as it should.
I believe this is Christos’s third one-man show. His work has stood out in many mixed exhibitions. The artist’s work is most certainly part of the Cypriot contemporary main stream and especially those associated with pure and beautiful colour using abstract qualities. A continuation of that most genuine Cypriot school which began with Christoforos Savva nearly half a century ago and is still flourishing through new tributaries, new ways.”
Glyn Hughes
Painter & Art Critic